11:32 AM

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Update On Life Over Here


So lots have been going on around here. I'm not sure where I should start. Oh I know, we decided on the dates that we will be going to AZ for the Holidays. Lots of driving in 3 months, but it's worth it and the girls are excited. If anyone wants to do certain things with me and the girls please let me know ahead of time because I tend to plan out the days in advance so we can tell Barney's Mom when we are coming and what days we will be at her house.

Here are the Dates -

October 29 to November 2nd & November 24th to November 29th & December 21st to December 27th .

As know you we found a church that we have been attending.(http://www.thechurchatrb.org/) Barney, the girls, and I love it. Within the Church they have many volunteer opportunities and small groups to join. We have joined a small group called Imtimacy Ignited. It's based on a book called that which is based on the Song of Solomon. We just started this group and so far we enjoy it very much. Since starting to attend this church Barney has started a blog. The link http://barneya.blogspot.com/

We also have volunteered for the Adopt-A-Senior Fellowship. The girls, Barney, and I will start this Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it. I think it will be a great thing so us to do as a family together. I sat Trinity down and talked to her about it and she seemed excited. She said she wanted to help serve snacks. :)

I'm also going to be the card ministry. This is where a group of women get together and make cards for the pastors in the church. They use them in all sorts of ways.

I'm also volunteering at Trinity's school every Wednesday. I'll be helping the kids and making sure they are doing their work while the teacher is doing the reading groups with the kids. I also might be the Room Parent but I'm not sure what all that I will be doing for that.

Novalee goes to preschool 5 half days and Trinity goes full day every day. They have some after school activites that I signed them up for. They both do karate two to three times a week. Novalee has swim lessons twice a week and Trinity does ballet once a week. So as you can see it is pretty busy around here. Mondays and Wednesdays are the busiest days but it's worth it because the girls really enjoy their classes. Trinity looks so cute in her ballet gear and loves to show off the moves she has learned. Novalee is doing GREAT with swimming lessons and hopefully will be able to swim on her own.

Barney and I are also reading the Bible together every night. At our Church this year the theme is The Year Of The Book. They challenged everyone to read the bible. They handed out a checklist with "reading homework" that is for 365 days. :) And during the services the Pastor will be referring to what we read in the bible that week.

So Lots and lots going on, But we are all happy and mostly healthy. lol We have been passing a bug around. First I had it, then Nova got it, then Barney got it, and now Trinity has it. Blah. Poor Kid. Hopefully once she is done no one else will get it again, but with School starting back up the girls will be bring home lots of yucky germs with them.

6:56 AM

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I'm going to start trying to post here at least a couple times a week so you guys know what is going on with us over here. :) I will be adding Photos Albums links and other links I enjoy.